21 Ocak 2020 Salı

KLUS Will Be Exhibiting Newest LED Lighting Products At Light Show West 2019

KLUS Design is pleased to announce that they will have their LED lighting systems on display at the LightShow West Event held at the Los Angeles Convention Center on September 25-26, 2019 Vero Beach, FL, USA – September 10, 2019 — On September 25-26th 2019 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, over 250 exhibitors from all over the country will showcase the latest in lighting trends, solutions, and education to thousands of west coast architects, designers, and other lighting professionals. KLUS company representatives are pleased to announce that they will once again be participating in this event, and will be located in booth #601. KLUS marketing director Zofia Stebnicki, commented, “We are looking forward to attending the LightShow West event year. We always have a great time here and enjoy connecting with many different lighting professionals in this area. In addition to our hands-on LED product demonstrations, this year we will be offering visitors a chance to win one of two KLUS LED desk lamps.” The two LED lamps that will be given away at this event are the: NABU-FI LED desk lamp, and the NABU-LUK LED desk lamp. Both beautifully designed lamps will make a perfect addition to any desk, table, dresser or more. Stop by the KLUS exhibit for more information. Visit www.lightshowwest.com to learn more about the 2019 show. About KLUS DESIGN KLUS Design is a manufacturer of LED lighting extrusion designs and component systems that integrate flexible LED lights into everyday living spaces. As a leader in the LED extrusion technology industry, KLUS company representatives travel all over the world to showcase these unique, beautiful, and highly functional designs. Contact Info: Name: Zofia Stebnicki Email: Send Email Organization: KLUS LLC Address: 673 US Highway 1 Vero Beach, FL 32962 Phone: 772-321-2260 Website: https://www.klusdesign.com

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